Held annually, TriCon is a joint conference of Rotary International Districts 6220, 6250 & 6270.

From the banks of the Mississippi River to the shores of Lake Michigan, from Lake Superior and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to the Illinois border, over 5,800 Rotary Members are invited annually to join together to brainstorm solutions to some of the most pressing challenges and to celebrate our works of service that create positive and lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
At TriCon, you will engage with others as you listen to inspiring speakers and take in the message of meaningful workshops. In between, put in a bid at the PolioPlus silent auction or browse the House of Friendship booths filled with information and people of Rotary Partners, Rotary Fellowships, and Club Projects. If that isn't enough, we plan a few extracurricular activities where you can continue networking or simply unwind with fellow Rotarians.
The conference starts with each District holding its annual meeting. Following, we have planned out 2-days of workshops, plenary speakers, and the House of Friendship expo. These, along with networking and socials, offer you an opportunity to learn, engage, and expand your Rotary knowledge and experience.
For details about TriCon25, visit the TriCon FAQ page or the House of Friendship Expo page.


This conference is planned just for you! Workshop Topics and Keynote Speakers are selected based on feedback and relevance.

You will be exposed to:

  • the true breadth of Rotary International

  • ideas you can bring back to your club to make a meaningful difference in the communities you serve.

You’ll come away inspired not only by the speakers but also from the educational breakout sessions and interactions with fellow members of Rotary.  Here are just some of the reasons to attend:

  1. Enhance your Rotary experience. Learn how you can team up with other Rotarians from Districts 6220, 6250 and 6270 and beyond.
  2. It’s a retreat.
  3. It’s affordable.
  4. Meet and get to know other Rotarians throughout Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Club presidents, district officials and hundreds of other active Rotarians will be participating.
  5. Hear from international speakers.
  6. Professional development. Explore leadership skills and strengthen your speaking abilities.
  7. Increase your club membership. Explore ways to increase membership and make membership in your club a better experience.
  8. Learn about the Rotary Youth Exchange program. Find out how rewarding RYE participation can be for you and your club.
  9. Find out more about The Rotary Foundation. Increase your understanding of the many humanitarian projects the Foundation supports and how funds are allocated.
  10. Discover new ways to engage members. Hear how other clubs are involving members in meaningful activities and projects.
  11. Engage more young people in Rotary. Hear how to set up and support an active Rotary Interact Club in your community.
  12. Improve fundraising. Hear about the successful strategies other clubs are using to increase funding for important projects.
  13. Increase public awareness for Rotary. Explore opportunities for generating local publicity about the good work you do.
  14. Know about polio. Get the latest news about Rotary’s worldwide polio project.
  15. Feel good about helping others. Visit the Friendship House to hear other clubs discuss successful projects and the positive experiences they enjoyed.
  16. Meet and learn from Rotary scholarship program recipients. Global Grant Scholars, Rotary Peace Fellows and former Ambassadorial Scholars from around the world will share how Rotary scholarships have impacted their lives and how they are impacting the world today in their career fields.
  17. Accomplish more. Learn how to take advantage of Project, District and Global Grant resources.
  18. Find out more about the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) program.


The founders created Rotary Western Great Lakes District Conference, Inc.  They represent Rotary International Districts 6220, 6250, and 6270, covering Rotary clubs in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, a bit of Minnesota, and the majority of Wisconsin. 
In 2018, it was decided to call the conference "TriCon". To some, for obvious reasons; the name stands for Tri = 3-district and Con = Conference. It is also much easier for our club members to remember!
Our three districts are holding this and future district conferences together to provide an outstanding Rotary conference experience that would be more difficult to accomplish with the resources of a single district. Don't miss out on the lively, educational, and fun-filled Rotarian experience.